
Mr. Schaner is the Co-Editor of International Arbitration in the United States (Wolters Kluwer 2018).  From 2013-2018, he served as the editor of Dispute Resolution International, the dispute resolution journal of the International Bar Association.

His other publications include: 

– “The Tribunal’s Appointment,” in Leading Arbitrators’ Guide to International Arbitration (L. Newman & G. Hanessian eds., 4th edition, Juris, 2025)

– “Third-Party Funding in the State of Illinois,” in Handbook on Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration” (Nikolaus Pitkowitz ed., 2d edition, Juris, 2025)

International Arbitration in the United States (co-editor, Wolters Kluwer, 2018)

“Third-Party Funding in the State of Illinois,” in Handbook on Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration (Nikolaus Pitkowitz ed., Juris, 2018)

“IBA Arbitration Guide: a guide to the law and practice of international arbitration in 55 jurisdictions,” (co-editor, with David Arias, 2012-2017)

– “USA (Illinois),” Getting the Deal Through – Dispute Resolution, 2012

– “Legal Privilege in the United States,” in Privilege and Confidentiality: An International Handbook 323 (D. Greenwald and M. Russenberger eds., Bloomsbury Professional, 2d ed. 2012) (with D. Greenwald)

– “Obtaining Discovery in the USA for Use in German Legal Proceedings,” 4/2012 Anwaltsblatt 321 (April 2012)

– “Third-Party Litigation Funding in the United States,” 32 Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação 175 (Jan.-March 2012)

– “United States of America,” in Commercial Litigation: Jurisdictional Comparisons 401 (A. Horrocks ed., European Lawyer Reference Series, 2011)

– “United States – Illinois,” Getting the Deal Through – Dispute Resolution, July 26, 2011

– “New York court clarifies jurisdictional requirement for attachment of assets as security for international arbitration awards,” 29 Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação 97 (April-June 2011)

– “The Rise of 3rd-Party Litigation Funding,” Law360, January 21, 2011 (with T. Appleman)

– “USA,” The International Comparative Legal Guide to: International Arbitration 2010, Global Legal Group, September 1, 2010

– “Illinois,” Getting the Deal Through – Dispute Resolution, August 15, 2010

– Client Advisory: Supreme Court Holds FAA Does Not Permit Class Arbitration Where Parties’ Arbitration Clauses Are “Silent,” April 28, 2010

– “New York court clarifies jurisdictional requirement for attachment of assets as security for international arbitration awards,” International Litigation News, April 2010

– “USA,” The International Comparative Legal Guide to: International Arbitration 2009, Global Legal Group, January 21, 2010

– Client Advisory: New Law Bars Government Contractors from Mandating Arbitration of Certain Employment Claims, December 29, 2009

– Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards and Court Judgments in the United States, Jenner & Block Practice Series, August 1, 2009

– “Due Process in International Arbitration: Anything Goes? A U.S. Perspective,” 22 Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação 172 (July-Sept. 2009) (with J. Schleppenbach)

– “Due Process in International Arbitration: A Report on the 12th IBA International Arbitration Day,” 14(1) IBA Arbitration Committee Newsletter 23-25 (March 2009)

– “Illinois,” Getting the Deal Through – Dispute Resolution, January 1, 2009

– “11th IBA International Arbitration Day: Record-Breaking Gathering Honours the New York Convention at 50,” 13(2) IBA Arbitration Committee Newsletter 9-11 (September 2008)

– “USA,” The International Comparative Legal Guide to: International Arbitration 2009, Global Legal Group, 2009

– “US Supreme Court Slashes Punitive Damages Award in Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Case,” 8(2) IBA Negligence and Damages Newsletter 6-8 (Sept. 2008)

– “USA,” in The International Comparative Legal Guide to International Arbitration 2008 (Global Legal Group, August 30, 2008)

– “USA (Illinois),” Getting the Deal Through – Dispute Resolution (June 2008)

– “Looking Back at 2007: Another Good Year for the Enforcement of International Arbitral Awards in the U.S.,” 63 Dispute Resolution Journal 1-7 (May – July 2008)

– “If you’re going to the trouble of drafting an arbitration clause, make sure you get it right,” 6 Practising Law Institute’s All-Star Briefing 16 (April 23, 2008)

– “Drafting Arbitration Clauses,” in International Arbitration 79 (J. Fellas ed., Practising Law Institute, 2008)

– “Motorola Credit Corp v Uzan, Second Circuit affirms US $1billion punitive damages award,” International Bar Association Legal Practice Division Negligence and Damages Committee Newsletter, Vol. 7, No. 1, March 2008

– Client Advisory: U.S. Supreme Court Holds Parties May Not Contract For Expanded Judicial Review of Arbitration Awards, March 26, 2008

– “U.S. Discovery in Aid of International Arbitration and Litigation: The Expanded Role of 28 U.S.C. § 1782,” in Austrian Arbitration Yearbook 299 (C. Klausegger, P. Klein, F. Kremslehner, A. Petsche, N. Pitkowitz, J. Power, I. Welser and G. Zeiler eds. Manz, 2008) (with B. Scarbrough)

– “USA (Illinois),” Getting the Deal Through – Dispute Resolution, 2007

– “Record Turnout Gathers in Madrid to Discuss the Role and Responsibilities of an Arbitrator,” 12(1) IBA Arbitration Committee Newsletter, 5-8 (May 2007)

– Client Advisory: Recent Decisions Expand the Availability of U.S. Discovery for Use in Foreign Legal Proceedings, March 5, 2007

– “United States Court of Appeals Nixes Attempt to Bar Class Action Arbitration,” 11 IBA Arbitration Committee Newsletter 46-47 (Sept. 2006)

– “United States Supreme Court Reaffirms Proximate Cause Requirement in RICO Actions,” 5(2) IBA Negligence and Damages Committee Newsletter 7-8 (Sept. 2006)

– “Legal Privilege in the United States,” in Privilege and Confidentiality: An International Handbook (M. Koehnen, M. Russenberger and E. Cowling eds., International Bar Association, 2006) (with D. Greenwald)

– “USA (Illinois),” Getting the Deal Through – Dispute Resolution, 2006

– “Tenth Circuit Holds Arbitration Non-Appealability Clauses Are Enforceable,” 11(1) IBA Arbitration Committee Newsletter 36-37 (Feb. 2006)

– Client Advisory: Supreme Court Rules on Who Decides Validity of Contracts Containing Arbitration Clauses, February 22, 2006

– “Legal Privilege in the United States,” Chapter 21 in Privilege and Confidentiality: An International Handbook, 2006

– “Pre-Hearing Discovery: New Ruling Fuels Debate Over Arbitrators’ Powers,”10(2) IBA Arbitration Committee Newsletter 47-49 Sept. 2005 (with C. Morris)

– “Third-Party Reliance on Due Diligence Common in U.K.,” The National Law Journal, November 7, 2005

– “Howsam v. Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc.: Who Determines an Arbitrator’s Jurisdiction?” 6(5) International Arbitration Law Review (Oct. 2003)

– “Class Action Arbitration: U.S. Supreme Court Rules That Arbitrators Should Decide,” 8(2) IBA Committee D News 56-57 (Sept. 2003)

– Reinsurance Reports/Arbitration News, Spring 2003

–“The Recognition And Enforcement Of Foreign Arbitral Awards In The United States: The Pro-Enforcement Bias Continues,” 12(2) International Legal Strategy 34-57 (Feb. 15, 2003) (with A. Minardo)

– “How Many Arbitrators Should Decide Your Dispute?” ICC United Kingdom, Members Handbook, Vol. VI, Spring 2003

– “Choice of law and forum both crucial,” National Law Journal (Feb. 11, 2002) (with R. Franch and A. Wick)

Mr. Schaner has spoken at numerous conferences, symposia and other events on international and domestic arbitration and litigation throughout the world.

His speaking engagements include the following:

“Supply Chain Disputes, Moderator – Inter-Pacific Bar Association Annual Meeting and Conference, Chicago, April 23-26, 2025

International Award Drafting: New Thinking and Best Practices, Speaker – California International Arbitration Week, Los Angeles, California, March 11, 2025

Panel on Articificial Intelligence, Cryptocurrency and Cybersecurity Issues in ArbitrationModerator – Kyiv Arbitration Days, Ukrainian Bar Association, virtual, December 20, 2024

“Due Process in International Arbitration, Panelist – College of Commercial Arbitrators 24th Annual Meeting, Carlsbad, California, October 25, 2024

Awarding Costs in Arbitration,” Panelist – Atlanta International Arbitration Society’s 13th Annual Conference, Atlanta, October 8, 2024

“Can Dispositive Motions Work in Arbitration?” Panel Chair – 12th Biennial Arbitration Symposium, Center for International Legal Studies, Salzburg, Austria, June 6, 2024.

“Initial Organization of the Arbitral Proceeding and Pre-Hearing Activities,” Panelist – Leading Arbitrators’ Symposium on the Conduct of International Arbitration,” Vienna, Austria, March 25, 2024.

“Navigating Arbitrator Disclosures and Challenges in International Arbitration,” Panelist – California International Arbitration Week, San Francisco, California, March 11, 2024.

“Ethical Obligations of Counsel and Arbitrators; Applicable Ethics Codes, Rules and Guidelines; Grounds for Challenge,” Lecturer – Fordham Law School and ICDR,  International Commercial Arbitration Law and Practice: A Deep Dive for American Litigators and In-House Counsel, webinar, January 19, 2024.

“How Not to Annoy an Arbitrator:  Tips from International Arbitrators on Better Arbitration Advocacy,” Panelist – Colorado Bar Association, Denver and on-line, December 14, 2023.

“Learning from One Another: Talking Shop Together – Facilitated Breakout Session,” Facilitator – College of Commercial Arbitrators 23rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, October 27, 2023. 

“A Comparative Analysis of International Arbitration in Ireland and the United States,” Speaker – Arbitration Ireland panel discussion, Chicago, September 6, 2023.

“Conduct of Arbitration – Suggestions for improvement that have recently been made and are being considered by arbitrators, counsel and users,” Moderator – Maxwell Chambers, Inter-Pacific Bar Association Arbitration Day 2023, Singapore, August 30, 2023.

“Rethinking Document Disclosure in International Arbitration,” California International Arbitration Week/College of Commercial Arbitrators, Los Angeles, March 17, 2023.

“Arbitration in Chicago and the Midwest,” Panelist, ICC/USCIB, Chicago, December 7, 2022. 

“Cross Examination in International Arbitration,” Panel Chair –11th Biennial Arbitration Symposium, Center for International Legal Studies, Salzburg, Austria, June 4, 2022.

“International Arbitration Skills Masterclass,” Faculty, ABA International Law Section, May 6, 2021.

“International Law Online: How will the pandemic change the practice of law?” Panelist, American Society of International Law (ASIL), 115th Annual Meeting (virtual), March 26, 2021.

“The Arbitral Process from Start to Finish – Tips for a Successful Arbitration,” ITA/CIArb Webinar, December 9, 2020.

“Arbitrating with Non-Participating Parties: Pitfalls and Best Practices,” Panelist, ICC/USCIB Webinar, November 5, 2020.

“The Arbitrator Selection Puzzle: Putting the Pieces Together,” Panelist, ICC/USCIB Seminar, Chicago, November 14, 2019.

“How to Become an Arbitrator,” Speaker – Chicago Bar Association, December 6, 2018.

“Dispositive Motions in International Arbitration,” Speaker, ICC/USCIB Seminar, Chicago, October 30, 2018.

“Arbitration: Procedural Fairness v. Efficiency,” Moderator – CPR International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution Annual Meeting, Coral Gables, Florida, March 3, 2017.

“Managing Your International Arbitration: Making the Latest Rules, Guidelines and Techniques Work for Your,” Roundtable speaker – American Bar Association Section of Litigation webinar, July 11, 2016.

“Due Process in International Arbitration,” Session Chair – Center for International Legal Studies Symposium, Salzburg, Austria, June 3, 2016.

“Working with Witnesses in Cross-Border Disputes,” Panelist – Inter-Pacific Bar Association Annual Conference, Kuala Lumpur, April 15, 2016.

“International Arbitration & Cross Border Business Transactions: Making the Right Choices,” Panelist – The Frederick K. Cox International Law Center at Case Western University School of Law and the ICC International Court of Arbitration, Cleveland, February 19, 2016.

“Choosing the Place of Arbitration, Arbitral Institution and Governing Law,” Panelist – Chartered Institute of Arbitrators conference, San Francisco, January 22, 2016.

“Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances,” Panelist – IBA Annual Conference, Vienna, Austria, October 6, 2015.

“The CPR Screened Selection Process for Party-Appointed Arbitrators,” Moderator – CPR International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution, Chicago, July 29, 2015.

“Emergency Arbitrators and Complex Arbitrations under the 2012 ICC Arbitration Rules,” Panelist – ICC International Court of Arbitration and Jenner & Block, Chicago, June 5, 2015.

“International Arbitration and the Cross-Border Deal,” Moderator – Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute & Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Program, Washington University, and ICC International Court of Arbitration, St. Louis, Missouri, February 6, 2015.

“Resolving Global Disputes,” Panelist – ICC International Court of Arbitration, Marquette University School of Law, Milwaukee, February 5, 2015.

“Hot Topics in Professional Liability of Lawyers,” Panelist – IBA Annual Conference, Tokyo, Japan, October 22, 2014.

“International Arbitration Today: First Principles, Current Practice, Latest Trends,” Conference Co-Chair, IBA Arbitration Committee Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 29-30, 2014.

“Arbitrator Selection to Win: Techniques for Selecting the Best Tribunal for Your Case,” Moderator, IBA Arbitration Committee Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 30, 2014.

“Highlight on Jurisprudence: The Latest on the Approach of U.S. Courts and Hong Kong Courts in Enforcing Foreign International Arbitration Awards, Panelist – ICC Asia-Pacific Conference, Seoul, South Korea, May 21, 2014.

“Obtaining Evidence Abroad: How I Can Help You?” Moderator – IBA Annual Litigation Forum, Montreal, Canada, May 16, 2014.

“Arbitrators’ Conflicts and Party Representation: Working on Guidelines,” Panelist – IBA Annual Conference, Boston, October 10, 2013.

“International Arbitration and the Courts: The U.S. Experience,” Panelist – London Court of International Arbitration, LCIA Young International Arbitration Group workshop, Boston, October 5, 2013.

“International Arbitration Advocacy: Hidden Challenges and Opportunities for U.S. Litigators,” Panelist – ABA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, August 9, 2013.

“Highlight on Jurisprudence: The Latest on the Approach of U.S. Courts and Hong Kong Courts in Enforcing International Arbitration Awards,” Panelist – Fourth Annual ICC A

“Protecting Your Client in the Global Economy: International Arbitration and the Cross-Border Deal,” Panelist – ICC International Court of Arbitration, Detroit Athletic Club, Detroit, Michigan, April 18, 2013.

“Hot Topics in Arbitration” and “Multi-tier Arbitration Clauses,” Speaker and Workshop LeaderInternational Association of Young Lawyer’s 5th Annual Arbitration Conference, Basel, Switzerland, March 7-9, 2013.

“Mediator by Day, Arbitrator by Night. So You Want To Be an International Adjudicator?” Co-Chair International Bar Association Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, October 1, 2012.

“Rapid-Fire Discussion Dispute Resolution Tour of North America,” Panelist 10th Annual Miami International Arbitration Conference, Coral Gables, Florida, September 10, 2012.

“What Every Business Lawyer Should Know About International Arbitration,” Speaker – Chicago Bar Association Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, Chicago, Illinois, September 6, 2012.

“Fundamentals of International Arbitration,” Panelist International Chamber of Commerce Young Arbitrators Forum, Chicago, Illinois, July 17, 2012.

“Biennial International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Symposium,” Conference Co-Chair Center for International Legal Studies (CILS), Salzburg, Austria, May 24-27, 2012.

“U.S. Impact on International Commercial Arbitration: Positive or Negative?” Speaker Loyola University Chicago School of Law’s International Law Review Symposium 2012, Chicago, Illinois, February 10, 2012.

“Practice and Procedure,” Session Co-Chair London Court of International Arbitration – LCIA Latin American & Caribbean Users’ Council and North American Users’ Council Symposium on International Commercial Arbitration, Mexico City, Mexico, December 2, 2011.

“Discovery in International Arbitration,” Speaker International Chamber of Commerce, United States Council for International Business, and the Young Arbitrators Forum, Chicago, Illinois, October 4, 2011.

“New Strategies for Resolving Disputes,” Speaker 2011 CPR Annual Meeting, New York, New York, January 14, 2011.

“Practice and Procedure,” Session Co-Chair London Court of International Arbitration’s North American Users’ Council Symposium on International Commercial Arbitration, Vancouver, Canada, October 3, 2010.

“International Arbitration and Investor-State Disputes,” Moderator International Association of Korean Lawyers’ 18th Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, September 23-26, 2010.

“Turning the Tables on Discovery: Using U.S. and German Proceedings to Your Advantage,” Panelist Joint Meeting of the ABA Section of International Law and the German Bar Association (Deutscher Anwaltverein), Frankfurt, Germany, June 20-21, 2010.

“6th Biennial Symposium on Arbitration, Mediation and ADR,” Conference Co-Chair and Moderator of Session on Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements and Questions of Arbitrability Center for International Legal Studies, Salzburg, Austria, June 10-13, 2010.

“Managing Complex Litigation: The View from Inside the Corporation,” Conference Co-Chair IBA Litigation Committee Conference, Washington, District of Columbia, April 14-16, 2010.

“Effective Use of American Discovery Methods in Disputes Before Foreign Courts,” Panelist ABA Section of International Law – 2009 Fall Meeting, Miami, Florida, October 27-31, 2009.

“Is Arbitration Failing the Reinsurance Community?” Panel Co-Chair IBA Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain, October 7, 2009.

“Arbitration: Has It Fulfilled Its Promises?” Speaker ABA Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois July 31, 2009.

“Costs of the Arbitration,” Faculty / Speaker ICC International Court of Arbitration Workshop, Chicago, Illinois, May 4-5, 2009.

“Enforcement of Arbitral Awards and Court Judgments in the Asia-Pacific Region,” Speaker Inter-Pacific Bar Association’s 10th Annual Conference, Manila, Philippines, May 1, 2009.

“Adducing Evidence — Anything Goes?” Session Speaker International Bar Association – 12th International Arbitration Day, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, February 15-16, 2009.

“The International Experience of Arbitration of Engineering Matters: Cares and Recommendations,” Panel Speaker 2nd International Congress of Engineering Arbitration Conference São Paulo, Brazil, August 7-8, 2008.

“Star Wars – Whether to Arbitrate or Litigate International Disputes,” Moderator The International Law Section of the State Bar of California and the International Centre for Dispute Resolution’s Third Annual California International Arbitration Conference, Santa Monica, California, May 2, 2008.

“Emergency Interim Relief in Arbitration,” Moderator International Centre for Dispute Resolution – North American Dispute Resolution Series, Chicago, Illinois, April 24-25, 2008.

“Looking Back at 2007: Another Good Year for the Enforcement of International Arbitral Awards in the United States,” Session Author International Centre for Dispute Resolution – The 6th Annual Miami International Arbitration Conference, Miami, Florida, March 30 – April 1, 2008.

“Introduction and Drafting Dispute Resolution Clauses,” Panelist Practicing Law Institute’s International Arbitration 2008 Conference, New York City, New York, March 13, 2008.

“Judicial Intervention and the Role of Local Courts,”  Session Chair London Court of International Arbitration’s (LCIA) Symposium on International Commercial Arbitration, Mexico City, Mexico, March, 2008.

“Court-Assisted Discovery for Use in International Arbitration,” Session Speaker International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Canadian National Committee’s Annual International Arbitration Workshop, Toronto, Canada, November 2, 2007.

“Introduction to International Arbitration,” Speaker International Bar Association’s Annual Conference October 13th IBA Training Course for Young Lawyers, Singapore, October 14-19, 2007.

“Differences Between Arbitration and Litigation, the Bilateral Investment Treaty Arbitration, and Tips for a Successful Career in International Arbitration,” Session Co-Chair London Court of International Arbitration’s North American Users’ Council Symposium, Toronto, Canada, September 29, 2007.

“Article 37: Emergency Interim Relief,” Session Speaker The International Centre For Dispute Resolution’s Conference ADR After NAFTA, Toronto, Canada, September 27-28, 2007.

“Judicial Decisions on Arbitrator Independence,” Speaker  International Court of Arbitration’s Second Annual ICC New York Conference, ICC Arbitration Today: Arbitrator Independence, New York, New York, September 24, 2007.

“Discovery in Aid of Foreign Proceedings under 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1782,” Speaker Center for International Legal Studies’ International Arbitration, Mediation and Litigation Conference, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, February 16, 2007.

Speaker International Bar Association and Northwestern University School of Law – Arbitration Program, Chicago, Illinois, September 22, 2006.

“The Challenges of International Commerce – Reflections on Global Business Dispute Resolution,” Moderator U.S. Council for International Business, Cleveland, Ohio, September 12, 2006.

“Faster, Cheaper…Better? Streamlining Arbitration,” Moderator United States Council for International Business and Jenner & Block, Chicago, Illinois, June 9, 2006.

“The International Litigation Arena,” Chair Center for International Legal Studies, Alyeska, Alaska, April 2-8, 2006.

“Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: A Survey of the U.S. Circuit Courts,” Speaker International Chamber of Commerce – International Court of Arbitration – ICC International Commercial Dispute Resolution, Charleston, South Carolina, March 26-28, 2006.

“Beyond Corporate: Litigation Careers For Those Who Are Interested in Business,” Speaker / Panelist Duke Law School’s 4th Annual ESQ Career Symposium, Durham, North Carolina, February 10, 2006.

“Dispute Resolution Clauses in Merger and Acquisition Agreements,” Speaker Center for International Legal Studies – Investing and Doing Business in Foreign Markets, Bad Gastein, Austria, January 15-21, 2006.

“Pro Bono Practice in Large Law Firms,” Speaker Duke Law School – Panel Session, Durham, North Carolina, November 15, 2005.

“Arbitration and the In-House Counsel, What Every Corporate Legal Executive Needs to Know,” Speaker Association of Corporate Counsel – Chicago Chapter, Chicago, Illinois, November 11, 2005.

“Drafting Effective Arbitration Agreements: What Every Lawyer Should Know,” Session Speaker Center for International Legal Studies’ Lawyering in the International Market, Whistler, British Columbia, April 10-16, 2005.

Speaker Chicago Bar Association’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee Luncheon, Chicago, Illinois, March 2, 2005.

“Drafting Effective Arbitration Clauses,” Speaker Center for International Legal Studies – International Commercial Arbitration, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, February 15, 2005.

“Cross-Border Litigation: Essential Strategies and Tactics,” Panelist The Canadian Institute’s Cross-Border Litigation Conference, Toronto, Canada December 2, 2004.

“Making Arbitration Mandatory in the Workplace:  Employers’ Dispute Resolution Policies in the United States,” Speaker Center for International Legal Studies’ Congress of Fellows Annual Convocation, Rome, Italy, May 7-8, 2004.

“The Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards Under the New York Convention,” Speaker Centro de Capacitación y Formación Gerencial – Vítolo Abogados – Execution of Foreign Judgments and Foreign Arbitration Awards Throughout the World, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 14, 2003.

“The Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in the U.S.,” Speaker Center for International Legal Studies’ International Distribution and Investment Law Conference, Valle Nevada, Chile, August 6, 2003.

“Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments,” Conference Chairman Center for International Legal Studies / Faculty of Law of the University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, August 2-4, 2003.

“Recent Developments in U.S. Arbitration Law,” Speaker Center for International Legal Studies’ The Law, the Lawyer and Alternative Dispute Resolution, Heidelberg, Germany May 22-25, 2003.

“Enforcing and Resisting the Enforcement of Arbitral Awards,” Speaker Center for International Legal Studies’ The International Construction Law Conference 2003, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, February 14, 2003.

“Discovery in U.S. Civil Litigation:  Considerations for International Practitioners and Their Clients,” Speaker Center for International Legal Studies’ Lawyering in the International Market Conference, August 11, 2002.

“Crossborder Litigation and Dispute Resolution,” Moderator Center for International Legal Studies’ Crossborder Litigation and Dispute Resolution Conference, February 10, 2002-February 16, 2002.